Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Halloween

We had a great Halloween. Courtney was the best garden gnome ever! Eleri was a very cute Wendy from Peter Pan. Beckett....where's Beckett?!?! Oh, that's right. He was the one rolling around on the floor screaming because he hated his costume. He ended up trick-or-treating dressed as a grumpy toddler with a gnome hat and half a beard (the rest was left on the carpet). Sorry, no pics of that masterpiece! Once he figured out candy was part of the deal, he was all in. Too bad I didn't think to dress him up after hitting a few doors!! Oh well, live and learn.

We had a great time celebrating this time of year. I love fall!!


Sherry said...

Cute girls!!! What a clever garden gnome idea. She totally looks like one. I love it!

Andrea said...

Don't you hate that kids have their own minds. Why do they get to kick and scream when we worked so hard to make them a costume? I am sure he was adorable.