Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Gosh, in my never ending quest to be a better mom... I still drop the ball from time to time. This morning, I lost my temper. Beckett has officially entered the terrible two's. Sparing the details, I will say that I had a lot going on this morning, I needed the kids to cooperate. By the time Courtney was dropped off and we were at Eleri's school, I was frazzled. This is when Eleri decided to hug Beckett. Over and over again. This is fine, except that Beckett was sitting in his stroller and didn't want to be hugged. So, here I am, already frazzled, with a seven year old bear hugging a screaming nearly two year old. I couldn't push the stroller, or even walk. I was frustrated. And finally, after the upteenth hug, I just pushed the stroller forcing Eleri to stumble and causing her some embarrassment. She simply waved good-bye to me and was off. I felt so bad. Should she have listened to me the million times I asked her to stop? Of course. But, losing my temper and causing her embarrassment wasn't right. I am the grown up here.

Anyway, I guess I am posting in part to get this off my chest. And also in part, to say that it is ok to be human. We all get frustrated. We all have our not so glorious moments. But, recognizing that, and changing it --isn't that what its all about?

I am sorry Eleri. I love you.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Thank you for letting me know that you are not perfect, it makes me feel so much better that I have done this too. I struggle with this as well. It is so hard to be the grownup sometimes. We all have that childlike instinct in us that just makes us want to turn around and smack them. I probably would have done the same thing. It is so hard to be a mother... it is certainly not for wimps.