My favorite things about 2008 were:

My oldest child, Courtney, turned ten years old. Wow! I have been a mom for an entire decade. What a joy Courtney has been to me. I can't remember life before she was in it. She is beautiful, talented, and wonderful in every way.

My baby had his first birthday. Never, in my wildest dreams did I think I would be blessed with a third child. To make the experience even richer, I have son. Wow.

This list would not be complete without mentioning my little El. She brings me laughter and happiness every day.

Todd went back to school this year. His long time goal of getting an MBA is in the works and I could not be happier or more proud of my intelligent, funny, handsome husband.

My preschool entered its sixth year of being in business. I have made so many good friends through this little class. I love my work and I am grateful to welcome such fantastic families into my home each week.

Finally, finally, finally, I got the hang of reading scriptures daily. This has been a blessing to me and I have been enlightened and blessed by it so much.
2008 was filled with challenges for so many people. I cannot be more thankful for the blessings I enjoy each and every day. I am looking forward to a fantastic 2009.
Leila--- you have SUCH a darling family. Beautiful girls and one handsome boy what more could you ask for huh! I bet you're an amazing preschool teacher. Hope 09 is as good as 08.
I can't believe she is ten! And Beckett is so cute! What is your secret for scripture reading! I am so glad to hear that Todd went back to school, I knew it was something he always wanted to do, YEAH!
Oh I remember that engraved ipod Christmas very well. He thought he was so great for getting that, what a thoughtful guy!
Give me the secrets to The B of M. I am doing good so far, but I really need to know how to make it habit.
You are an amazing woman! Thanks for being such a good example. Please, please share your secret to success with your B of M reading!
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