Friday, September 4, 2009

A fine farewell.....

Today is our LAST DAY of summer break. It has been a great summer. Sea World Camp, swimming, visits to LA, Wicked, swimming, sleep-overs, the beach, swimming, sleeping in, eating ice cream, swimming.... BUT, we are ready for school! Good-bye lazy days, hello routine!!

Forgive the bad photography. These were all take with Todd's phone.

post-edit: Let me clarify. Todd is NOT a bad a photographer. The phone just doesn't offer the quality pics we are used to with our camera. Sorry babe!

We took a little trip to LA and enjoyed a French Dip from the place it was invented. YUMMY!

Then, we stopped off at Union Station to see the trains. GORGEOUS train station with so much history. I wish I would have taken a few shots inside. Anyway, Beckett loved seeing the big trains!


KW said...

Looks like you had an awesome summer. I am ready for's my favorite time of year.

Adrianne said...

Leila, where are you? I am waiting impatiently for oyur next post!